Saturday, June 25, 2016

Major Changes

Things are difficult.  The kids and I are now in Utah and R has gone back to Washington.  Dropping him off at the airport today was the hardest thing.  We drove down on Thursday and then spent a couple of days hanging out.  I wasn't ready for him to leave.  And it sucks.  
I'm trying to get things put together here at my mom's house so that we're comfortable.  But it's not like we moved into a big empty space.  Her stuff is everywhere.  There is a lot to do.  Tomorrow is a big air show and A is taking the 2 little kids to see it.  That way I can get a bunch of things done...or just take a long long nap.
I have neck surgery scheduled for July 18th.  I am really nervous.  I still keep going back and forth about whether or not I should do it.  I want the kids to have a fun summer and I won't be able to do much with them after I have that done.  It's such a big decision.
I hope that things will get easier but I'm not holding my breath.  

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