Tuesday, May 3, 2016


May is Celiac Disease awareness month.

This is for my cute daughter who was diagnosed with Celiac Disease about 1 1/2 years ago.  She has been through such a rough time.  So much time spent researching and learning what she can eat and what she can't.  This is an incredibly hard disease to live with and at only 20 years old, she has a long life a head of her.  This isn't just a fad diet where you don't eat gluten hoping that it will help you lose weight.  It can be life threatening in so many ways if a strict diet isn't followed.  Even the smallest amount of cross-contamination can cause her so much pain and illness.  My hope is one day they can find a cure to help people who live with this.  Especially my sweet daughter.  

May is Brain Tumor Awareness month.  

I lost my only sibling, my sister, to a brain tumor just over 11 years ago.  I still have an extremely difficult time with it.  I miss her more and more everyday.  It seems that everyday I hear of several people that are either diagnosed with a brain tumor or have passed away because of one.  Something needs to be done about this.  More funding for research.  Brain tumors don't discriminate.  They take anyone from little babies to adults.  It's a horrible thing to watch a loved one suffer through this type of disease.  

Please consider learning more about these two diseases.  The more you know, the more you can help in the fight against them.  

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