Wednesday, May 25, 2016

What Should We Do?

We are down to 6 days.  6 days and we are supposed to be out of our house.  We haven't done anything.  We haven't packed up one thing.  We have been looking for a place to move but so far haven't found anything.  If we can stay close enough the kids can keep going to their same school for the last month and next year.  I wish they were finishing with school this week like the kids in Utah.  That would make my life so much easier.  Well, at least I wouldn't have to wake up and make lunches every morning.  I'm so done with that.  
I thought that when R came home from his work trip it would help me feel so much better.  But it hasn't and I don't.  I can't focus on anything.  I'm great at making lists and looking around and seeing things that I need to do but when it comes down to actually accomplishing things I just can't do it.  I don't know if I'm waiting for some kind of miracle to happen or what.  Something to come in and save us so that we don't have to uproot our kids again.  The kids are strong and I know that they are stronger than I even realize.  I'm just sick of shit happening to us.  I want something good to happen.  Like a good promotion for R at work.  Like letting us stay in our house.  Like not constantly having to worry about what is going to hit us next.

Friday, May 20, 2016


Decisions are hard.  I don't like to make them.  They lead to change which is even harder than making the decision in the first place.  We had to make a decision to leave our home state where we'd lived for 40+ years and move to the unknown.  We thought we were doing the right thing and that it would be so great for our little family.  We have seen and done some amazing things.  The kids have done really well in school, better than they were doing before we left.  The thought of going back kind of makes me sick.  I have grown attached to our house and find comfort being here.  We have our routine and everything around us that we need.  I have been praying, obviously I need to pray a little harder.  I can't wait until R gets home in a few days so that we can talk face to face and make this very hard decision together.  It's been so difficult having him so far away while going through this stress.  

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Upside Down

Just like that our lives are turned upside down again.  3 day notice to catch up our slightly behind rent or move out.  I'm here alone with 2 kids that are seriously trying to see how fast they can drive me insane.  And then that happens.  
I cancelled my doctor appointment for the second week in a row.  I can't even deal with going and talking to someone that is supposed to be helping me.  
I can't believe this is happening when the kids still have a month left of school.  I sat and looked at places online last night.  None of them are places that I'd even consider moving into.  They're all horrible!  
I have never been homeless.  I have never felt like there is not place for me to go.  I have never felt like if I leave my house that I'm not going to be able to get back in it.  I have never felt like I'm going to lose all that is important to me in my house.
I want to run away.  I want to go to sleep and never wake up.  I want to die but I don't want to kill myself.  I want this nightmare that is my life to be over with.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Just When Things Can't Get Worse

I am definitely on the edge.  Every single day I think that not one more thing can happen so make me feel any worse...and then it does.  
Yesterday we needed to get out of the house.  It was cloudy and raining so I took the kids 25 minutes away to Chick-fil-a.  I didn't even realize that it had a play area until we got there.  L is almost too big for the play area.  That will be a sad day.  We spent about 2 hours there.  They played and played and had a great time.  I actually got to sit and do nothing for that whole time.  I just watched people and talked to a couple of other people.  It was pretty nice to have a few minutes to myself, if you can call it that.  Toward the end of our time there, I guess my kids started fighting in the play area.  I actually had a lady come over and tell me that they weren't being very nice to each other.  She said it so that the whole packed restaurant could hear her.  I wanted to punch her in the face.  They weren't hurting other kids, they were just acting like an exhausted brother and sister.  I think that some people need to mind their own business.  My anxiety went through the roof.  I bought the kids their ice cream and we left.
Late last night I got incredibly sick to my stomach.  It hit me so hard.  Just really nauseous and I could hardly move or the room started spinning.  For some reason that's when my kids act the worse.   This morning we got up and ate breakfast.  I hadn't slept at all last night.  I know that the sun was coming up when I finally started to drift to sleep around 6:30 am or so.  After we ate breakfast and the dog was taken care of, I went back up to lay on my bed.  And I crashed.  I know the kids came and asked me if they could go outside.  I guess that I said yes.  A little while later, they came home and said that there was a lady at the door because of something they had done.  Neither of them would even begin to tell me what happened.  So I went to the door and our nice neighbor was there to tell me what they had done.  Along the one side of our HOA there is a wooden fence that is up against the woods.  They had been over there and kicked out about 5 or 6 boards.  Guess who gets to go fix it so that we don't get a fine?  ME!!  Because I really know what I'm doing when it comes to fixing fences.  I have never been so upset.  I didn't lose my temper with them but I wanted to.  I just don't have the strength to deal with it anymore.
I'm ready to give up on life altogether.  There is only so much that someone in my condition can take.  I am all alone, no family and no friends to help me.  I just can't keep going on like this.  I don't know what my options or my next step will be.

Sincerely, Can't Keep Doing This

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Job/Life Change Needed...Desperately

Things are getting worse by the minute.  I have been fighting this horrible sinus infection but I don't think that I'm getting any better.  Everyday I wake up hoping that something has changed but it doesn't.
I have been having horrible nightmares every single night.  Along with that, both kids have been ending up in my bed which makes it impossible to sleep.  I do love hearing their breathing.  I love having them close to me.  Sometimes M likes to be a little too close and I'll wake up with her head in my ribs or she's turned sideways, kicking me in the back.
I have got to find some kind of job that I can do from home or go to while the kids are at school.  We are about to lose everything and that can't happen.  We already lost everything when we moved up here in November.  We've been trying to catch up but "caught up" always seems to get further and further away.  We can't keep living like this.  I search and search for jobs but can't seem to find anyone that wants an old stay at home mom that hasn't worked for 7 years.  I couldn't even get a cashier job!
I don't know how to handle our lives falling apart again.  I'm not sure that I can make it through it.  I keep getting my hopes up every time R applies for a different position at work. I think that things will get better, we can stop stressing over every dollar.  Then his stupid company finds some reason as to why he can't change jobs.  He hasn't been in this "craft" long enough...the union won't allow it...someone is on vacation so he has to stay where he is. They seriously treat the best employee like garbage.
Lately I haven't been able to stand my kids having friends around.  I just want to be at my house alone.  I want to be sleeping so that I don't have to think about all the things going wrong in our lives.  My heart hurts with all the stress and worry.  Can we please get a break on all the things going wrong and enjoy our lives?  I worry that R is going to stress himself to death.  What have we done wrong in our lives that makes it so we have to live like this?  I just don't understand.  I didn't think that we are bad people.  I'm sad and frustrated and lonely and I just want to go back to bed.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


May is Celiac Disease awareness month.

This is for my cute daughter who was diagnosed with Celiac Disease about 1 1/2 years ago.  She has been through such a rough time.  So much time spent researching and learning what she can eat and what she can't.  This is an incredibly hard disease to live with and at only 20 years old, she has a long life a head of her.  This isn't just a fad diet where you don't eat gluten hoping that it will help you lose weight.  It can be life threatening in so many ways if a strict diet isn't followed.  Even the smallest amount of cross-contamination can cause her so much pain and illness.  My hope is one day they can find a cure to help people who live with this.  Especially my sweet daughter.  

May is Brain Tumor Awareness month.  

I lost my only sibling, my sister, to a brain tumor just over 11 years ago.  I still have an extremely difficult time with it.  I miss her more and more everyday.  It seems that everyday I hear of several people that are either diagnosed with a brain tumor or have passed away because of one.  Something needs to be done about this.  More funding for research.  Brain tumors don't discriminate.  They take anyone from little babies to adults.  It's a horrible thing to watch a loved one suffer through this type of disease.  

Please consider learning more about these two diseases.  The more you know, the more you can help in the fight against them.  

I'm a mess...

Let me start out by saying that I am completely lost in life.  I don't know which way to turn from one minute to the next.  I honestly have never had my brain feel so messed up.  I can't ever turn it off.  If just goes and goes and drives me crazy!  If it's not about one thing, it's another.  I have no patience for anything or anyone.  The only time that I can shut things off is when I'm sleeping.  I would sleep 24/7 if I could.  Things have gotten significantly worse since November when we moved to Washington state.  Then about a month or two ago, I could another dive.  I finally found the strength it took to locate a doctor that I've now seen 3 times.  He's adjusted my meds and completely taken me off one of them and I am a mess.  At times I can't breath.  There are times when I just want to run away.  A lot of the times I think that I just don't want to be here anymore.  

My husband left a few days ago for a 3 week training 16 hours away.  I can barely function now.  My kids don't understand what is wrong with me.  They just want a normal mom that is like everyone else's mom.  Maybe I could find them one to take my place.  Depression and anxiety are two of the most horrible things.  I wouldn't wish them on anyone.  Now my husband, who is my security blanket and can always make things at least a little better, is gone.  Instead of knowing that he is only 45 minutes away at the most, and will be home soon, he's so far away.  

I don't want help.  I don't want someone coming and fixing my kids dinner.  I don't want to call my doctor and have him tell me there is nothing that he can do.  I don't want anyone calling and asking if I'm ok because of course I'll say that I am.  I don't want kids friends coming over because then I have to pretend I'm ok and I'm not.  I just want to be alone.  I just want to have my kids home and know they are safe.  I just want my husband home to help me feel safe.  I just want to feel normal, whatever normal is.